Chronic heel pain
1 Achilles tendinopathy
(previously named Achilles tendinitis, but it was wrong)
This is a breakdown in the Achilles tendon, with small, focal lesions within the tendon without an inflammatory response. It is a long-term condition with degenerative change inside of the tendon
MRI scan show degenerative Achilles tendon
Signs and symptoms:
- A persist pain around heel and calf region, normally pain appears “U” shape, it means pain before and after the activity, usually decreased within the activity.
- But in the worsen case, it can be constant pain through the activity.
- The best evidences show a prolonged physiotherapeutic exercise is the best way to manage this problem; it should be progressed under physiotherapist’s supervision.
- Some other pain managements, such as acupuncture, taping, Deep tissue massage, ice and TENs may decrease the pain temporarily.
- In general, the prognosis is good; most of people recover under few weeks exercise program plus pain management. Very few people have to go for surgery.
2 plantar fasciitis
It is the injury in plantar fascia; a connective tissue runs between heel bone and metatarsal bones.
This problem is result from abnormal foot arch and high tension in plantar fascia.
Signs and symptoms:
- A patient with plantar fasciitis may have pain anywhere along the course of the plantar fascia but most commonly where the fascia joins the bottom of the heel bone.
- The patient often feels a great deal of pain after resting, particularly when placing weight on the foot first thing in the morning.
- It may be combined heel spur.
- stretch, taping, foot orthosis will help, in addition, acupuncture, deep tissue massage also can relief the pain.